The new location for the store was on the site that originally had been a planer
mill and lumberyard. It was being transformed into a location for the first builder’s supply store in Denton! Various local craftsmen had their hand in building the new store: Joe Lax, Richard Smith, Dewey Tysinger, and Ross Snider, among others who helped to make Wilson’s dream a reality. Before too long, the new building was ready to occupy!
At his new location, Wilson originally carried roofing, sheetrock, mortar, paint, builder’s hardware, sheetrock, molding, and finish lumber. Heavy items such as roofing, sheetrock,
and mortar were delivered by boxcar, so Wilson and his first helper, Dalton Gallimore, had to take the truck downtown and load these products onto the truck by hand. Once loaded onto the truck, they would bring it to the store and unload it.
When they sold it, they loaded it again and if delivered, unloaded it again at the jobsite; today, we are so thankful for forklifts that do a lot of our heavy lifting for us! It was at this point that Wilson’s wife, Ruth, came to work as the secretary and bookkeeper at the business. With 2 girls in elementary school (Cathy and Susie), and a 3-year-old (Anne) at home, it was a good time to make the transition to the world of work.
Anne came with Ruth to the store much of the time and even took her naps there and was always within earshot when they answered the phone “Wilson Carter Supply Company.” She heard that so much, that she told someone that her name was “Anne Carter Supply Company!”